Glacial Lakes Energy, LLC
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Membership Membership Districts Uniform Marketing & Delivery Agreement Corn Procurement Policy Pool System for Corn Delivery Freight Incentive GLCP Third Party Delivery Form Commercial Level Investment Distillers Discount Bylaws & Articles of Incorporation Membership Agreement/Application

corn procurement policy

Corn procurement policy of Glacial Lakes Corn Processors is designed to give management the ability to maximize profits and dividends, and to also give price incentives to member shareholders to make their own corn marketing.

Under the delivery agreement, members must deliver corn annually to GLCP/GLE plants in portion to common stock owned. Annual delivery will be tied to a processing year that starts September 1 and ends on August 31 of the following year. The actual bushels per share for a processing year will be established by GLCP’s board of directors, based on the corn processing needs of the ethanol plants and the number of shares of common stock outstanding.

For fiscal year 2023-2024 the committed bushel call will be 0.71 bushels per share.

The Board and Management reserves the right to modify the GLCP Corn Procurement Policy.

Uniform Marketing and Delivery (UMDA) Agreement